Denver Recovery group's


Upholding Ethical Standards for Addiction Treatment

Denver Recovery Group clinics prohibit waste, fraud, abuse, and other wrongdoing. Denver Recovery Group team members will avoid any activity that may involve or may appear to involve a conflict of interest with their obligations at the clinic.Team members may not accept gifts of value (more than $5.00) from patients or their family members.Team members will notify their supervisor if there is a prior relationship between them and a patient prior to admission and/or applicant prior to employment. Any potential conflict of interest must immediately be communicated to the Program Sponsor, to include any conflict that may arise not just with the team member but also their family member or spouse.  These will be evaluated by leadership for outcome decisions. Allowances for fundraising internally or externally (children’s school fundraisers, bake sales, etc.) are up to the discretion of the Program Director.

Professional boundaries will be maintained at all times between team members and the persons served. Sharing of gifts between patients and staff can represent a non-therapeutic relationship and can jeopardize the patient’s treatment and is strictly prohibited.

Any violations of the professional boundary relationship must immediately be reported to the Program Director and/or Program Sponsor if observed.

Team members will not engage in social media outlets with patients or their family members (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.).

Denver Recovery Group will not engage in any political participation (campaign contribution, resources, cash or any in-kind services) as it could be perceived as a conflict of interest.

Employees will not use any information about Denver Recovery Group for their personal benefit. Employees should disclose business information only as required in the performance of their employment duties or as expressly authorized.

Denver Recovery Group staff may not be asked to witness signatures for documents such as Power of Attorney, guardianship, and/or advance directives.

All team members at orientation will be advised of this policy and will sign they understand and will comply with the expectation. Allegations of violations may be reported by submitting the Complaint Form for Alleged Violation of the Denver Recovery Group Code of Conduct.

We are here to help you succeed!